Tuesday, August 12, 2014

36 Weeks! (+5 Days)

36 Weeks!

With less than one month away from our due date, we are getting very excited for Baby Nicklaus to make his arrival! As of today, we are 36 weeks and 5 days along.

We are preparing for Baby’s arrival and getting his room ready. Emily visited this week and helped us make a lot of progress on the nursery. We now have lots of clean clothes, bibs, and blankets that are all ready for Baby. The crib and bedding is finished as well as the changing table/dresser. Next stop: packing hospital bags!

In addition to “Best Husband Ever”, Brian has also earned the title of “Handiest Husband”. He’s assembled our stroller, put together the crib, and painted the entire nursery. Last night he even put together the pack-and-play and the car seat and bases. Which is great since now we'll be able to take our baby home from the hospital. :) 

And no, in case you were wondering, Baby Nicklaus does not have a name yet. So for now we are telling people that we’re going to name him “Nicholas Nicklaus” or “Saint Nicklaus”.

36 Week Highlights 
  • At our appointment we found out that Baby is head down.
  • Baby continues to be very active and moves a lot. Some days I wonder if he ever sleeps! He wiggles, ninja-kicks, and jabs are frequent and fun. Although he surprises me with the knee and elbow jabs throughout the day, I'm thankful that he is so active.
  • My pregnancy continues to go very well. Entering the 9th month has brought a lot more discomfort than my previous months. However, overall I've still been blessed with a great pregnancy.
  • Cravings: Right now I am mostly craving fruit and ice water. In the first trimester I constantly wanted McChickens and hot dogs, so at least things took a healthier turn.  
 Here is a sneak peek of our crib: 

I'll put up more pictures of the nursery once it's ready!


  1. We had a really hard time coming up with a 2nd boy name. We kept coming up with girl names that we love, but couldn't quite decide on a boy's name. We still call him "Baby" a lot, we need to work on that.

    1. We refer to him as "Baby" all the time as well- I'm a little worried that habit will be hard to break once he is actually here! :)
