Monday, August 25, 2014

38 Weeks (+4 Days)

As of today I am 38 weeks and 4 days along. That means our due date is about a week and a half away! ...Of course, Baby may not decide to arrive until 41 weeks or so, but at least we're getting closer. :)

Baby and I at 38 weeks-ish:

Why should the baby and I get all the photo ops? Here is Brian at 38 weeks: 

Even with the nursery mostly finished, I am still in full blown "nesting" mode. I want to clean every inch of the house and I want everything to be perfectly organized. At least I'll be able to keep myself busy until this baby comes! 

The car seat base is installed in Brian's car- now we'll be able to bring our little guy home from the hospital! I've also mostly packed our hospital bags. The baby's coming home outfit is ADORABLE and I can't wait to put him in it.

We are borrowing a bassinet from some friends- it's now all set up for the Baby to sleep in for the first few weeks/months. I also got super motivated this weekend and set up the rock-and-play and the little activity mat. (They weren't difficult to set up but I'm not handy, so I was proud of myself!)

Brian and I are starting to plan some fun date nights for the week after our due date. This way if the baby hasn't arrived yet, we have a lot of fun things to look forward to! (And things that are also easily-droppable in case he DOES arrive). I don't want to be sitting around waiting for him to come and sad that he isn't here yet. So this way we'll have some great times together before it's no longer just the two of us. Plus, we have our anniversary on September 6th to celebrate! We'll finally be able to dive into the top tier of our wedding cake that is taking up half our freezer. :)

38 Week Highlights
  • Our 38 week appointment went well: Baby continues to measure on track and have a good heartbeat. 
  • I've been more tired this week and have had a little more pain, but I haven't had any real contractions or anything. 
  • Baby is most likely about 6.8 pounds and about 19.5 inches long. 
  • So far I've been really fortunate to not have too much swelling, even with it being summer. Sadly though my hands have swollen enough that I can't wear my wedding ring. I've decided that's the worst part of pregnancy so far!  
For now, Brian and I will be enjoying these last few weeks of "normal life" before Baby Nicklaus arrives and shakes up our world!


  1. Leah you look fantastic! If your only swelling is in your hands, you are very lucky. Good thinking on making plans. Who knows when he'll decide to make his appearance. The nursery looks beautiful. Obviously, you guys have been busy!

    1. It's Dana by the way- not so tech savvy ;0

    2. Thanks, Dana! There's been a little swelling my cheeks and feet too, but really it's not too bad. Some days are worse than others, depending on the heat/humidity. So really I got pretty lucky! We'll obviously keep you posted on when the little guy decides to arrive :) I keep waiting on news from Kristie as well, so it'll be an exciting couple of weeks.

  2. Brian,
    You don't look like you have even gained a pound, even after 38 weeks. Great job!!

    -Brian W.

  3. You have a blog?! --You guys are cute!

    1. We just started one! We wanted to be able to share our lives with out-of-town family and friends. We thought this would be a good way to show pictures and share stories of Baby Nicklaus once he is here.
